a pitch for the fourth star trek movie
Star Trek:Monsters Unleashed
Sometimes, it takes three worlds...

When life throws you lemons, cut 'em open and squirt the juice in its eye.When life throws you lemons, throw a brick back.When life throws you lemons, throw them at somebody else.

The USS Enterprise has been rebuilt...but at what cost? As the heroic crew attempt to cope with Chekov's death, Spock and Kirk discover that they have unspoken feelings for each other but are both too afraid to say that out loud. Meanwhile, Keenser's epic pursuit of the elusive Gaila catapults him into the universe where he accidentally sets off a series of cosmic events that transform and threaten the world as we know it. To save themselves, Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the rest of the crew must leave their home and embark on a quest full of comedy and adventure with the help of a returning foe, travelling to exotic new lands and encountering a host of colorful new characters. But when an intergalactic conqueror who's way worse than any of the foes the crew has faced before comes into the picture, what's to stop even the most carefully-laden of plans from falling apart?

Returning Characters
Chris Pine as Captain James T. Kirk
Zachary Quinto as Commander S'chn T'gai Spock
Benedict Cumberbatch as Part-Time Commander Khan Noonien Singh
Sofia Boutella as Lieutenant Jaylah
Karl Urban as Doctor Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Zoe Saldana as Lieutenant Nyota Uhura
Simon Pegg as Lieutenant Commander Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
John Cho as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu
Alice Eve as Doctor Carol Marcus
Joseph Gatt as Science Officer 0718
Deep Roy as Keenser
Rachel Nichols as Gaila
Jason Matthew Smith as Lieutenant Gregory "Cupcake" Hendorff
Doug Jung as Ben Sulu
Jennifer Morrison as Winona Kirk

New Characters
Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Lieutenant Keisha O'Neil, one of Carol's two best friends
Ko Shibasaki as Lieutenant Lydia Kuze, one of Carol's two best friends
Meryem Uzerli as Romulan Commander Liviana Charvanek, Jaylah's love interest
Kristen Bell as Janice Rand, Jaylah's roommate and best friend
Min Tanaka as Admiral Heihachiro Nogura
Charlize Theron as Klingon General Kalor
Nichelle Nichols as Nyota Uhura Prime
Michael Early as Doctor Geoffrey M'Benga
Danai Gurira as Debbie, leader of the Starlight City Resistance
Celine Dion as Amadi Trei, a Betazoid singer
Brenton Thwaites as Mito, the youngest of Lord Starlight's Three Knights
Rebecca Ferguson as Clora, the only female member of the Three Knights
Jude Law as Enzai, the leader of the Three Knights who forms a rivalry with Khan
Mads Mikkelsen as Lord Starlight(real name unknown), ruler of Starlight City and the main antagonist
Chloƫ Grace Moretz as Princess Arasen, Lord Starlight's good-natured niece and future ruler of Starlight City

Pitcher's Statement
Essentially, this is a team-up movie about how two very misfit people(Benedict Cumberbatch's Khan and Sofia Boutella's Jaylah, the co-stars of the movie) and three warring factions(the United Federation Of Planets, the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire) resolve their differences to become something truly remarkable. I wish you would use this, since it might sound selfish but this is the best way to show what infinite diversity in infinite combinations truly means.I mean, just think about it!
2 mlw couples (Uhura/Scotty and Bones/Carol)
2 mlm couples (Kirk/Spock and the Sulus)
1 wlw couple (Jaylah/Charvanek; since Jaylah is one of the two co-stars, this is really important)
2 basically impossible couples(Keenser/Gaila, mentions of past Vengeance/Khan)Can y'all imagine the impact of all those pairings put together, with Kirk/Spock at the epicenter? It will be awesome, but I cannot deny the controversy that it will bring by featuring prominent same-sex couples and odd, weird, unheard of and beyond interesting couples. (In fact, I'd love to rejoice in all that.)But perhaps, the most controversial out of all those pairings might be Vengeance/Khan, since it's a man and a starship. And I've been wondering:Why didn't they put Marla McGivers in the movie? And why use an entirely different ship? Why not just bring the Reliant back? But then, suddenly it all made sense when I actually began to connect the dots. So I deduced, "A-ha! Having both Marla and the Reliant proved waaaay too difficult for them, so they just decided to combine the two!"And since none of the big hats actually came forward to confirm or deny anything, I decided to go straightforward with this one. Also there's the fact that I gave the Vengeance he/him pronouns to have /him/ stand out, so that essentially gives Vengeance/Khan an achillean vibe. There's also the issue of the Vengeance being destroyed, therefore depriving Khan of the love of his life. And since Kirk and Spock's roles were reversed in Into Darkness, it seemed only fitting that Spock be the one that tasks Khan in Monsters Unleashed since the whole deal is kind of a second remake of The Wrath Of Khan. But instead of going all Captain Ahab, Khan softens out while working with the Enterprise crew and learns that his own crew is safe and secure. Eventually, his wrath subsides, and he talks it all out with Spock, and with Kirk, and finally decides to come to terms with reality and continue to live on.Finally, I wish with my whole heart for this idea to be accepted. If it does happen, then we can give the best gift to LGBTQIA+ Trekkies by holding up the biggest middle finger ever to all the PEOPLE who said "K/S ain't gonna be canon" and giving Hikaru & Ben Sulu time to shine. Also, my idea seems to embody various types of love(Khan's undying love for the USS Vengeance, Kirk and Spock harboring unspoken feelings for each other, Charvanek being torn between her duty and her feelings for the ever-innocent Jaylah, and Keenser having a crush on Gaila), but perhaps, the message I wish to deliver through Monsters Unleashed might be that of unity and reconciliation, considering how Kirk happily accepted Khan, the murderer of his foster father, into the gang and how the Federation races, the Klingons and the Romulans all enjoy the victory party together as one in the end. And through that, we all know that every single bit of hatred between the Enterprise crew and Khan is now all gone and the Federation and Klingons and Romulans really began to respect each other as allies, all thanks to them being united against a common foe. Although there's still some hard feelings left and even after he loses all intention to exact vengeance for his Vengeance on the Enterprise crew, Khan has to work REALLY hard to earn his redemption(with Jaylah assisting him through it all), but everything turns out fine in the end. Ain't it great?Until then, live long and prosper.